Friday 17 July 2015

Don't Delay Happiness

Outside HDFC bank I happened to read the caption 'Don't Delay Happiness'. It came as a food for thought. How true! This is exactly what usually happens to almost all of us. Many a time we postpone our own due pleasure for no rhyme or reason. We rather choose to sulk and pout. While it brought a smile on my face it also set me think little deeper and compose the following lines:

           Don't Delay Happiness

My own house will make life peppy
A tour abroad will see me happy.

Nay, a post higher will bring some shine
That will surely make my heart flutter on cloud nine.

Then a dream car is a source of my joy too
Certainly that will be fulfilling and pleasurable too.

But no this is sheer misunderstanding
That true happiness lies in branding

Now when everything is in its place
Life seems still with no pace

While browsing through many quotes
A realization dawned and taught me new notes

Why... Why  the real joy we keep delaying
Why we unnecessarily keep lamenting and braying

Why dont instead we simply allow it to happen
All the time, at every place and in every situation

So learnt to feel joy in all small things
Every moment new joy brings

I try not to brood over past
Or think about future vast

Welcome every morrow with no bumps
As the true happiness is in accepting life as it comes!! 

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