Thursday 29 March 2018


#WednesdayWonders #19


#IAmSorry  #OneMinuteApology

Since #AHhaLife in #MissionHappiness has dedicated February month to #relationships-- family and friends, the magical word #sorry is essential for bridging gaps and mending relationships.

#TFA : Before we apologise we need to look into this very vital aspect which is so purgatory in nature. Saying sorry not only brings an end to the issue but also leads us to achieve integrity in our character by providing us an opportunity to introspect.

We tend to think, feel ( realise) our contribution in the folly and then get ready to act i.e. apologise.

The depth of this feeling '#sorry' keeps us away from self deception and unnecessary justification giving way to the other person also to review the scenario from a different perspective. 

How should one apologise?
It should be reflective of our true intentions. So our facial expression, body language and words need to be in harmony. In other words #OneMinuteApology is the unique blend of the trio  head, heart, and hand...#3HS

#PS : The above #reflections are based on my reading the book
"One Minute Apology" by Ken Blanchard and Marget MeBride

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